Easy Breakfast Ideas

Easy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but that does not stop many Americans from skipping it. Nearly 1 in 4 Americans skip breakfast on a daily basis. Regardless of whether you’re running late for work, school, or just feeling plain lazy, you can never go wrong with a good breakfast! Here are three quick and easy breakfast recipes to help kickstart your day!

Avocado Toast

Avocado toast is an easy, healthy, delicious, and high-protein breakfast that will keep you full up until lunchtime! Eggs, tomatoes, chia seeds, and peanut butter are just a few of the things you can put on avocado toast to make it your very own. All of these alternatives make it almost impossible not to enjoy this tasty meal all made in under 10 minutes!

Breakfast Parfait

Want to feel like you’re eating at a local french cuisine? Then a breakfast parfait is perfect for you! Though it sounds super fancy, a breakfast parfait is just yogurt or cottage cheese paired with additives of your choice. Some delicious ingredients to add to your french treat are blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, and granola. This breakfast meal can easily become a hit in your household!

Banana and Peanut Butter Toast

I had to save the best for last. This right here is just absolutely delicious and easy to make! This convenient meal is by far my favorite because it is unique, healthy, and tasty. This meal is simply made by toasting bread of your choosing, smearing it with peanut butter, and then topping it with banana slices. When I say Heaven on Earth, I seriously mean Heaven on Earth!

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