The Untitled Space Presents “EDEN”
The Special Project, which was on view from March 5th – 11th at the UN Plaza in New York City, featured over 20 female identifying
artists exploring the history and symbolism of the Garden of Eden. SPRING/BREAK Art Show, known as being one of the worlds most innovative art fairs, is an annual experimental platform for
independent curators to exhibit works by emerging and mid-career artists. This year’s edition featured over 85 curators and revolved around the theme “Fact and Fiction.”
The Garden of Eden, a biblical paradise which was called “The Garden of God” in the books of Genesis and Ezekiel, the “lower Gan Eden” In the Talmud and the Jewish Kabbalah, is known for being a utopian garden lush with trees and fruits, as well as the birthplace of the first humans,
Adam and Eve. According to the Bible, Eve, the first woman, was created by God from the rib of Adam to be his companion in the Garden. The first couple were said to have lived in Eden naked. Liberated from any sense of self-consciousness, shame or fear, as they were completely innocent.
The “Temptation of Eve” by a serpent to eat the forbidden fruit from “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” resulted in humans being expelled for eternity from The Garden of Eden. Eve (and all women thereafter) was subsequently sentenced to a life of sorrow and pain with childbearing, and to be under the power of her husband in a subservient role for the rest of humanity for her actions. Although many people believe The Garden of Eden did in fact exist, it is considered to be
mythological by most scholars.