Jewels Inspires with New EP “Galaxy Baby”

Jewels Inspires with New EP “Galaxy Baby”

I interviewed music artist Jewels about the recent release of her new EP titled Galaxy Baby, and let me say, it’s a hit. Infusing pop backing tracks with her unique lyrical flow creates an otherworldly array of emotions. Each of the six songs details bold vulnerability, but iconic hit “My Alien” is like no other. Here’s what Jewels herself had to say.

1. Firstly, How did you begin making music? How did you get your start with singing?

Jewels has been singing her entire life, beginning with her church choir. Originally, the North Carolina-based singer wanted to pursue fashion design, but was quickly redirected when others heard her sing covers of artists like Rihanna. It wasn’t until the year 2020 that she began to take her career seriously and showcase her incredible vocal talent. “I really got my feelings hurt, and then I wrote a song! That’s how I started.” says Jewels.

2. What’s your favorite track off this EP and why?

“It’s so hard to say– it really changes every day….I’m really confident in all six songs.” She then shares that each song complements each other in their own unique way, allowing for a seamless blend throughout the entire EP. She finally decides on “My Alien,” as it inspired her cover art and the galaxy theme. “Throughout making that song I feel like I just learned more about myself….I just naturally made the song–I didn’t write it out. I mix, master, and record myself from time to time. This project is the first time I really had anybody else hands on with production. I’m usually at home with my home studio and creating by myself.” This song is incredibly special to Jewels, as she simply put on the beat and naturally let the lyrics flow.

3. What inspired the cosmic theme? Was it “My Alien”? What gave you the idea for that song?

Jewels divulges that she wanted to try her hand at pop music, as that is her favorite genre of music. As a singer, she states that everyone was pushing her to experiment with R&B, but one night, all of that changed. She asked her following to send her some beats to record over, and only one person sent her exactly what she was looking for: the beat for “My Alien”. It needed to be “out of this world”, which gave her the idea for a space vibe. A key phrase that inspired her work was “astronomical love”, as she frequently writes about the trials and tribulations of romance. Moreover, Jewels reveals that she has more cosmic-themed songs coming out soon, so watch out for those!

Photo: @jew.els on Instagram
Taken by: @treydag0at on Instagram

4. Do you have any musical inspirations?

Growing up a “Belieber” in middle school, Jewels said that she always appreciated artists that don’t stay in one lane when it comes to their music. Other artists included Rihanna, Adele, Chris Brown, and Katy Perry. “I really feel like I’m a passionate artist ‘cause I’m coming straight from my real emotions.” 

5. So you have over 1.5 million followers on TikTok, what would you say is your favorite TikTok trend right now?

She got her start as a makeup artist and soon realized that she could participate in various TikTok trends to showcase her talent. But, what really helped Jewels go viral were the open verse challenges and remixing songs. “That’s probably my favorite part about TikTok–just collaborating with someone who’s like, so far away….it’s like we’re working together.”

6. Finally, do you have any advice for aspiring artists?

“I feel like why I’ve grown is I take those things that are my thing, no matter how weird it is, and just show it off. That’s how you’re gonna stand out.” Jewels continues to explain that it’s extremely important to differentiate yourself from other musicians out there and “create a lane for yourself that way you don’t blend in.” She says the more consistent you are, the more people will notice you. Stamp your sound, message, and image.

The featured image is courtesy of Quality Entertainment

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