So, it’s late afternoon, you have been working, reading a book, you’re helping the kids with their homework. Or maybe you were cooking or playing virtual roulette, watching another episode of your favourite show? In any case, all of us have already had such a situation. And at this point, many ask themselves the question: “Should I eat before bed?”
There are many experts in the field of proper nutrition: some argue that eating at night, and even better after 18 hours, is bad, because the body is already worked up for the day, and it is a real crime to make him work, digesting food even at night. And some are sure the late snack is okay if the body asks for it. And here are the 7 healthy bedtime snacks you can eat before sleep.
Kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, natural yoghurt or plain sour milk are your universal saviours against bouts of evening hunger. They consist of light protein, which is perfectly digestible for the body and satiates it but does not overload it. However, the portion mustn’t exceed 200-250 grams. You can add a spoonful of honey, cinnamon, or vanilla to the fermented milk; this will only improve the effect.
Egg yolk is known to contain protein, fats and cholesterol, and egg white is a combination of only water and easily digestible protein at a ratio of 90% to 10%. Therefore, given the composition and caloric content of yolk (352 kcal / 100g) at night you can afford to eat either 2 whole eggs, or as much protein as you can handle.
Grapefruit is rightly called the best citrus for weight loss, because it has a low glycemic index, low enough calories (35 kcal / 100g), and it also contains many different vitamins, so as naringin, which improves metabolism and helps to break down fat deposits. Grapefruit is also effective against insomnia, so eating it before going to bed is undeniably even cringe-worthy!
Contrary to various opinions, you can, and even need to eat avocados at night! In the right amount, of course, but avocados contain fatty acids, which are not deposited on the problem areas (and in principle on any!), quickly absorbed, moreover – contribute to the breakdown of existing fats. Avocados do not contain cholesterol and sugar, but they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, thanks to which they keep the whole body in good shape, improve the cardiovascular and nervous systems, the hair and skin, and much more! The magnesium contained in avocados is a wonderful helper for insomnia. All of these are compelling arguments that half a medium avocado at bedtime is perfectly fine for you.
Nuts contain numerous vitamins and minerals, and most importantly – magnesium, B vitamins and Omega 3, because they are the best fighters for quality and restful sleep. It is not allowed to eat a lot of nuts, because it is necessary to remember the caloric value, however, it will be very useful to eat 30 grams of nuts.
Sea fish is a powerful supplier of quality protein for your beauty and health. Lean varieties of fish (mostly white) are easy to digest, reduce bad cholesterol and enrich the body with iodine and phosphorus. The best option for a late dinner would be 100-150 grams of hake, cod, plaice or pollack. You can also afford a small amount of tuna and shrimp, and ideally with green leafy vegetables (spinach, broccoli, lettuce, romaine, etc.).
Vegetables have always been, are and will always be the perfect snack and complete meal. However, it is better to eat more fresh vegetables during the day, then in the evening and before going to bed – in stew or boiled. This is argued by the fact that it is in the cooked form vegetable fibres is better and faster absorbed by the body, as well as perfectly cleanses the intestines.
So, if you want to have a snack before going to bed, you can have it! The main thing is to remember about the time and the amount of food. If it is possible, cook your late meal without oil and be proud you have chosen the healthy and delicious late-time snack.