5 Foods That Will Energize You Throughout The Day

5 Foods That Will Energize You Throughout The Day

Whether you’re getting 5 or 8 hours of sleep you can still feel drowsy throughout the day. As summer ends and work begins to pick up, being focused for the day is crucial. Here are just a few foods you can implement into your diet to help you feel better and more active during the day.


Bananas are a great breakfast option to start your day and a fantastic source of energy. They are filled with complex carbs, potassium, and vitamin B6 which all will fuel your body. Bananas are a great grab-and-go snack which as well is great if you are in a hurry and need something on the commute.


Now eggs are another classic breakfast food, but they are filled with protein which will help energize your day. Also, eggs have an amino acid known as leucine which has been found to be a source of producing energy in many ways. Eggs are a great way to start your day and can be served in a variety of ways.


Hummus is a delicious food to snack on as well as another great energizing food. The key part of hummus is chickpeas which are full of fiber and complex carbs that will fuel and energize your body. Hummus is a great addition to any meal and is both healthy and fuel to the body.


Seeds are another great source of energy. Some seeds you should try and add to your diet include chia, flax, and pumpkin seed. These seeds are filled with omega-three fatty acids as well as fiber which both contribute to energizing the body.


A final food that is a great source of energy is beans. Beans are a good addition to your diet because they are filled with high levels of carbs, fiber, and protein. Also, they are rich in antioxidants which help with inflammation and provide the body with energy. Beans are filling and a great healthy addition to any meal.

For more information on other foods that will fuel your body click here. 



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