First Half Of Ozark Season Four Released

First Half Of Ozark Season Four Released

Netflix has released the first half of the fourth and final season of “Ozark.” Since its debut in 2017, “Ozark” isn’t the most popular show, but it still attracts a specific audience — fans of crime drama.  

The unique thriller with an array of interesting characters may not be entirely original. However, the plot is intriguing. For those that have never seen the show, it stars Jason Bateman as Marty Byrde, Laura Linney as Wendy Byrde, Julia Garner as Ruth Langmore and Sophia Hublitz as Charlotte, just to name a few. 

Season 4A Plot

Over the years, “Ozark” has slowly gained its footing in the crime drama television industry. While it may not be up there with “Breaking Bad,” it has built up an audience of crime-loving, drama fans. While predictable at some points, the first part of season one sets up some truly interesting plots. Hopefully, the show explores these plot lines and the show wraps up in a comforting way in the final few episodes.  

Season four serves as a clash between families as they navigate how to save themselves. With a variety of complicated storylines, the first half of the season sets up an unfortunate end. There are only seven episodes in the first half of season four, but each one lasts over an hour. This means there is plenty of intriguing content to go around.

While the first part of the season provides viewers with several incidents, there is not a ton of drama. The Byrde’s and Ruth Langmore’s loyalty are getting put to the test in the final season. Without spoiling too much, there are two deaths and a plan for revenge, which we will see more of in the second part of the season. 

A release date for “Ozark” season four: part two has not been announced

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