Fashion Community Feels The Effects of Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine
The news about Russia invading Ukraine is all people are talking about right now. All over the world people are protesting and speaking out about Vladimir Putin’s decision to send troops into Ukraine. With Milan fashion week going on, the fashion community is joining in to show support for Ukraine.
The Show Goes On
In the height of fashion season, it seemed like fashion season this year would resemble a pre-COVID world. But many people pushed the season to the back of their minds when Russia started the invasion last week.
In the middle of Milan fashion week, Ukrainian models are struggling while their families face uncertain times in their country. According to W Magazine, Ashley Brokaw, a leading casting director in the industry, took to Instagram to show her support from Kristy Ponomar and Iriska Kravchenko. Ponomar and Kravchenko walked in the Prada show which took place earlier in the day before Putin declared war.
According to France 24, Ukrainian stylist, Anna Mazzhyk woke up to learn Russia was attacking Ukraine the morning of the show. “I was crying before the first show because it’s difficult for me,” Mazzhyk told France 24. “We’re all wearing sunglasses to cover up our puffy eyes.”
Models Speak Out
According to W Magazine, model, Iana Godina reposted stylist Anastasiia Gutnyk’s Instagram post. “This is not time for the Prada show and all this bullshit,” the post read. “This is a genocide of a nation which you quietly observe on Instagram.”
There has been an outpour of support and resources on social media since the start of the Russia invading Ukraine. Ponomar is among the people posting from the fashion community during this difficult time.
A Moment Of Silence
While Milan fashion week continued , many involved in the shows felt they should support Ukraine in some way. For one, Giorgio Armani decided to show his AW22 collection in silence.
According to Fashion United, the brand posted on Twitter before the show announcing the lack of music and visual enhancements that usually accompany a runway demonstration. “My decision not to use any music in the show was made as a sign of respect towards the people involved in the unfolding tragedy in Ukraine,” the post read.
The gesture was a “symbol of respect for all the people involved in this tragic event,” Fashion United quoted the designer. “The best message we can convey right now is that we don’t want to celebrate anything because what’s happening is so upsetting.”