SNL Continues to Break the Boundary of Politics
Saturday Night Live has always housed the lively, comedic spirit of improv/skits with both well-known actors and comedians. And these skits range in topics, but always garner the ability to make the audience laugh. But, in recent years, SNL has had a revitalization of the political topics they touch on. Of course, they always nudged at politics as they feature what’s happening in the world during any given episode, but this season 46, in particular, has stirred a lot of conversation. From the presidential debates, the elections, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and many other items have topped their list of hot topics at the moment. While this is not to say that this is their first time diving into the political sphere, it surely is going to be one remembered. Especially as the presidential election voting is closed and Americans are adjusting with the results.
On SNL, The Weekend Update remains the keeper of most of their political jokes as it has in the past, but for example, the recent episode featuring Adele as the host had a couple of skits that dumped on Trump or other politicians outside of the Weekend Update. And since their audience is mainly left-leaning, their commentary on the conservative party is a big hit. As had previous episodes with guests like Issa Rae and John Mulaney. By expanding the politics into clever skits across the episode’s entirety they are expanding into their reach to include more thoughtful content even if it’s meant to make you laugh. And many of these political skits are going viral on social media.
Especially with the recent episode featuring Dave Chappelle as host, it’s only furthered their audience’s reception of these skits by serving quality political content even after the election has come to a close. So, if this erratic election has taught SNL anything it’s that their political coverage sells and surely should stick around, if not increase. Whether there is an election on the horizon or not. But, I’m sure I don’t have to tell them that as social media has been rampant with their episodes most heavily weighted with politics.
Here are just one of the many hilarious skits featured in season 46 of Saturday Night Live: