Playtech Donates to ICRG’s Research on Gambling Impact in Canada and US

Playtech Donates to ICRG’s Research on Gambling Impact in Canada and US

People talk constantly about the importance of responsible gambling. But did you know that there exists an actual Center for Responsible Gaming? They do a lot when it comes to researching gambling addiction and they try to educate other people how to stop when needed. We will discuss them more, yet many famous casino and game developers constantly support ICGR. Playtech recently became yet another one on the list. They fund research to ensure they are not only compliant with all the rules or regulations but also making a difference in the gambling world. Therefore, today we are talking all about responsible gambling, the Center for Responsible Gaming, as well as Playtech involvement.

Popularity of Online Casinos and Slots

A vast choice of online casinos is available for you as a player. Whether in Canada or one of the American states, like Florida, you can find thousands of websites. However, it doesn’t mean that all of them are to be trusted. We always advise you to start your responsible gambling journey with thorough research. Ensure they have all the required licenses and can legally operate in your country. A good way to start is using a website that collects information about all available casinos and ranks them. There are a lot of trusted casinos tested by that analyze the availability of instant withdrawal, an abundance of bonuses, and other crucial elements like licenses. It is easier to find a website with the information you’re looking for, instead of going through individual casinos. Besides, you can compare and contrast how much over-reward you’ll get once you sign up. 

Importance of Responsible Gambling

You probably hear people talking about responsible gambling a lot. However, what does it mean? There is no universal list of rules you must follow to be a responsible gambler. It is a strictly personal choice that will allow you to make good decisions since creating an online casino now takes minutes and your choices are limitless. Here is a short list of things you might consider to be in your manual for responsible gamblers: 

  • Don’t drink and gamble;
  • Don’t chase your losses;
  • Don’t overspend your budget;
  • Understand when to stop;
  • Don’t give in to peer pressure from casino staff or your friends to continue gambling;
  • Do your research before registering at any online casino;
  • Don’t borrow money to gamble.

The list can naturally go on. But these rules are a pretty good start to your responsible gambling.

All You Need to Know About the Center for Responsible Gaming

The organization itself was founded in the 90s. They currently focus on researching what it’s called a gambling disorder and they also fund various studies. Their research is extremely intriguing since it varies from topics like drinking and gambling habits among casino employees. They even fund research to study the genetic predisposition of people who like gambling. Additionally, they assist people with advice like focusing on getting fit instead of gambling or picking up a new hobby. After all, it was proven that staying occupied can assist in easing the effects of gambling disorder.

People who suffered from childhood trauma, who witnessed gambling when growing up, and who are surrounded by the right gambling environment are more likely to play themselves and suffer from the disorder. Genetics, however, plays a rather insignificant role. Nevertheless, this particular study, among many others, definitely tells a lot about the development of gambling and the rising number of people who enjoy an occasional session at the casino.

Playtech Funding the Center for Responsible Gaming

Playtech couldn’t be more different from the Center for Responsible Gaming. Playtech is the number one supplier and developer of online gambling games. They are popular enough to invest in Hard Rock Digital and many successful ideas. However, they also realize that their business directly depends on gamblers. And it is certainly to their advantage to make sure their clients are responsible. After all, one of the only reasons why gambling isn’t fully legalized in every single state is that many would consider it a dangerous game since not everyone can stop when they need to. That is why, for some, gambling leads to bankruptcy, family issues, and so many other things. Not to imply that Playtech’s decision to fund the Center for Responsible Gaming is completely selfish, yet both sides certainly win.

Final Thoughts

Playtech, among other popular gaming providers, makes tough funding decisions. After all, apart from creating successful businesses, they also have to realize how important research is. The Center for Responsible Gaming gets donations from leading gaming specialists, and Playtech is now one of them. The deal was announced only recently, and we hope to witness its success. Both parties are committed to creating a safer gambling environment and are sure to change the gambling field in Canada and the United States. The research was promised to focus on vulnerable groups, advance protection for players, and offer any help they might seek, including counseling sessions.

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