Election Day is Here

Election Day is Here

Today is November 3rd which means it’s Election Day or National Voting Day whichever you prefer. Whether you’re like me, and voted by mail mid-October or approaching the polls today to cast your vote in the presidential general election: it’s an exciting day. To say the least, although we may not have the immediate results we’d hope for, America should have a clear idea toward which way the election is leaning after today. And for me, election day is like a major holiday. All of the political conversations, votes flooding in, and television coverage leaves me anticipating the results. And with the results of a vote so big that it could change our current politics so drastically, it’s extremely exciting.

With millions of votes already cast as a part of early voting, this election has received a record number of ballots in one of the highest turnouts this country has seen since 1908 in any given election. According to USA Today, “Ten times more mail ballots have been returned than at this point in 2016 and twice as many people have voted in-person.” To the added excitement of the impending results, to see the lines of voters sprawled for actual miles all across the country to vote safely and securely is awe-inspiring. Millions are casting their ballots for this major decision and not letting COVID-19 or voter suppression stand in their way. And for a decision this major, why should they?

Courtesy of NPR





So, if you have yet to vote and are registered, get out there and cast your informed ballot. It’s your responsibility as a citizen to ensure that you’ve participated in such a historic election. And if your vote has been mailed in, counted, and you’re sitting comfortably awaiting results of this year’s election, then pat yourself on the back for fulfilling your right to vote.


Here’s to a happy Election Day!

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