Gus Dapperton Teases New Album With Don’t Let Me Down

Gus Dapperton Teases New Album With Don’t Let Me Down

Bedroom pop super star Gus Dapperton teases his new album with a new single Don’t Let Me Down. The song is 3:55 minutes and features the singer BENEE.

Interestingly, the pair have collabed before on BENEE’s catchy hit Supalonely, making Don’t Let Me Down their second collaboration. Additionally, Supalonely was a more upbeat and brighter in terms of percussion. Although, Don’t Let Me Down stands on its own as softer pop song.

Fans of Dapperton have seen him transition away from the brighter pop sound over the last few years. Now he highlights more appreciation for a softer sound. Orca, his last studio album back in 2020, was the bridge between the old Gus sound and his new interests.

Orca had a very balanced blend of brightness and deep vulnerability, which is what fans can appreciate about the artist. His new album titled Henge seems to be shaping up to be a good balance as well.

Seeing as Dapperton is older now, it comes at no surprise that his music would develop differently than it did 4 years ago. It’s unlikely fans will get songs with similar to sounds to My Favorite Fish, or World Class Cinema again. At the same time, the boundless power of adolescent feelings of love and hurt is what made his older songs so fantastic.

What fans can expect from Dapperton now is still his love of poetry and internal rhymes, with lyrics of much more level headed vulnerability.

Henge will be released in the heat of summer on July 7th, 2023. The singer has released 3 songs off the album thus far Don’t Let Me Down, Horizons, and Wet Cement. Dapperton will be touring all over the United States in the month of May and into the first week of June.

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