Earth’s Inner Core Spins In Reverse
Our Earth’s inner core is having second thoughts on moving forward.
What some may call a flaming iron ball the size of Pluto, the Earth’s inner core has stopped spinning in its clockwise direction and maybe rotating the other way.
Published research in the Nature Geoscience has unexpected findings of a different spin due to studies that show seismic waves from earthquakes that have come through the Earth’s inner core since the 1960s. With these findings, scientists infer the spin of the core’s speed increased.
Researchers believe that the inner core rotates at a different speed than the mantle and the crust. Natural elements like iron and liquid elements makes up the inner core. Iron from the outer core crystallizes on the shell of the inner core, changing the mass of the surface liquid elements; therefore, changing the spin motion that maintain Earth’s magnetic field.
“We show surprising observations that indicate the inner core has nearly ceased it’s rotation in the recent decade and may be experiencing a turning back,” says Xiandong Song, a chair professor at Peiking University.
Super Rotation
In June of 2022, scientist John Vidale of University of Southern California added to the observation of Song. He stated how seismic waves of nuclear tests show the inner core may reverse its rotation every few years. His research are reliable.
Some experts agree with the findings while other have their own opinions. Specific studies have been done to calculate the theory, “super-rotation”, which concludes the Earth’s atmosphere rotates faster than the planet itself. Data toward super-rotations links to test of various points of the core’s rotation around the globe in 2009.
More research will continue by experts. What is true is that life on Earth will not be affected, but “we (Vidale) do not know what’s happening.” “We just have to wait,” Vitale adds.
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