Yåmpa Studios Conquers The NYC Streets


Yåmpa Studios Conquers The NYC Streets

Eye-catching and vibrant designs coming from Yåmpa Studios are the new sensation that New York City needs among its myriad of creative fashion brands and trends. Created in 2018 by Arnaldo Campbell, Yampa is a brand about innovation and wokeness.

Campbell’s brand is an acronym made by the phrase “YOU ARE MORE PESTILENT AWAKE”, aka “YÅMPA”. From being a fashion model himself to covering the role of fashion director and CEO of his own brand, Campbell set a high standard among his peers and fashionistas of all ages.  Now a designer and boss of his business, Campbell can share with us his visions, thoughts, and words on what it means to be fluent and creative in fashion, as a means to conquer anyone’s attention.


What was the first thing that made you want to pursue fashion full-time? Was it a job (modeling, designer), a place, or a person that inspired you?

The first thing that made me want to pursue fashion full-time was landing a runway gig back home in Florida. I got cast for this smaller show at a hotel conference and ever since then I knew I wanted to be involved in the industry somehow, anyway I can.

What’s the meaning behind YÅMPA? Please, explain the message behind the brand and your philosophy of life?

YÅMPA itself is an acronym standing for “You Are More Pestilent Awake”. It is a term coined together to push people to follow their dreams. “Pestilent” means “dangerous” so it’s saying you need to stop sleeping on yourself and that your vision can come to fruition respectfully. Nowadays you are looked at as odd or irrational for executing ideas and bringing new concepts into the world. I appreciate that because no one ever remembers the people that follow the status quo.

How do you find NYC during these times, after the first hit of the pandemic, but still under the chaos of these terrible circumstances?

I wasn’t here in NYC during the pandemic so I can’t speak too much on that. I know New York isn’t the same though. The energy itself even feels off but not in a bad way, more in a baptismal way. It’s a chance for a rebirth. I think everyone is excited to be a part of it. I know there’s a crazy shift coming, especially this summer!


A lot of people in fashion started as models and then at a certain time in their lives they turn their career into a business or something that they own rather than just transitioning into acting or other entertainment fields. What do you think of this behavior and why do you think a lot of people are opening their own brands, even though the hard moments a small business owner might face during these times?

I think it’s good for the culture. It’s important to be versatile and have options rather than depending on one thing as an end all be all. COVID definitely showed people that the “safe road” isn’t so safe and a lot of beliefs were challenged. Thus leading people to find a way to cope with it. You either adapt to the world or let it consume your type of deal.

What’s the style of YÅMPA and what other trends do you think you’re going to incorporate in your future collections?

The style of YÅMPA is exquisite tailoring mixed with playful experiment-like patterns that promote a different take on fabric’s versatility. I follow a specific flow that leads me from one idea to the next. I just want to focus on executing everything and getting it out of my head. If people resonate with it, then that’s beautiful too.

Who’s the perfect client that shops at YAMPA?

The perfect client that shops at YÅMPA is someone who desires to achieve something bigger than themselves in this lifetime. Whatever it may be and whatever it may entail, as long as you stay true to yourself and are striving for something daily.


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