Nicki Minaj Has A ‘Minaj a Trois’ for the Winter Issue of Paper Magazine

Nicki Minaj Has A ‘Minaj a Trois’ for the Winter Issue of Paper Magazine



” This picture confirms that paper magazine is run by clowns and should never be taken seriously as a publication.”



 We got Roman , Onika and Barbie three different personality getting  along in one room as it seems. The New cover of PAPER MAGAZINE, features the well accomplished Nicki Minaj for their break the internet series. But was it more break of the star’s dignity?
” Definitely broke the Internet”
 From first glance, the cover is thought provoking and easily can get fans and bloggers talking and gasping for air. But at what cost?  Some people fell the infamous Kim K cover, ( for the same magazine)  already broke the internet; so no need to try again.
As a fan of both Nicki and the magazine,  I feel this cover is really pushing the envelope ( both in a good way and bad). However,  in a marketing stance to some degree  I can understand.  Being in fashion, we all know sex sells.
” no harm or anything but why do ppl feel so insulted with confidence ,it’s a difference in being full of your self- “oh everything in this world is beneath me including everyone I’m this and that” , and having confidence-“ppl may not like what I do but they can’t live my life for me and my happiness is what counts” and besides I could see if it were actually two other ppl it’s a pic of her, her and yea her if you don’t even think you’re pretty enough to bang yourself i dont know what to tell you but trust majority of ppl do and I among others think she’s gorgeous-“
 But the content I feel is very tasteless,  for a woman who tried to put the old Nicki behind her and wanted people to take her serious and be respected as a business woman. It is ironic the some woman would do a shoot like this; but than want people’s respect. She claims to be the queen and maybe needs to carry her self as much. I feel this is very upsetting non the less. The old saying  may be true in this case “Bad press is still press”.
“You are revolting….. this is not what we should promote as women and young girls to see. Idolising sex…… brilliant well done your such an inspiration……NOT”
This is cover is  a very sure and fast way to be seen in the fashion and entertainment world.   Is this cover vulgar or unnecessarily vulgar?  I would expect this more of Cardi B. She new, funny , and she goofy and could use this type of exposure .  It is very terrible how our black females artist or non have to continuously exploit their bodies to keep the light on them and stay relevant.
Even through this cover is  trending  everywhere,  I feel it is beneath a Queen. Again,  I  am a Nicki fan,  like  I always say: We should expect nothing but greatness from our idols and people we follow.  Is this just a shock value and is Nikki better than this?
” i would like to see someone much younger such as cardi b. honestly ❤️”
After all  is said above,  I fuck with this cover. Like ,Beyonce once said nasty put some clothes on lol.  Side Bar:   Am  I the only on that finds eating your self  funny and weird at the same time ( I guess if you cant love and please your self who else will !!!)
Social Media Response :
  • Slay
  • ??????
  • Awful. It’s too typical & nothing about this is creative or breaking the internet.
  • ??
  • ???
  • she’s not hating and she has a point tho, even though I like Nicki
  • Keepin’ it classy I see. (Sarcasm).
  • you better believe I’ve already seen and worshipped this ?
  •  you must get paid to hate and be so bitter so early in the morning
  • she has it all?
  • Sick !! You should be ashamed





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