Unlock the Secrets of Escape Rooms with These 5 Beginner Tips

Unlock the Secrets of Escape Rooms with These 5 Beginner Tips

Escape rooms can be the ultimate test of your puzzle-solving skills and team-building abilities. But if you’re new to the world of escape rooms, it can be intimidating to know where to start. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of five handy tips to help beginners unlock the secrets of escape rooms. From understanding the room’s theme to working as a team, these tips will help you succeed in your first escape room experience. So gather your friends, put on your thinking caps, and get ready to escape!

5 Handy Clues for the Beginners to Escape the Room

Choose Your Team

Selecting the right team is crucial to your success in an escape room. It is important to give careful consideration to the selection process and to choose a team with a diverse range of abilities, experience, and perspectives. When selecting your team, keep in mind that selecting only those who think alike may not be the most effective strategy. Instead, aim to create a team with a mix of problem-solving skills, creativity, and critical thinking abilities. In addition, communication is key, so it is important to choose individuals who can work well together and who are open to sharing their ideas and perspectives. The teams usually consist of 2-8 players, but it is important to remember that the size of the team should be determined by the complexity of the escape room and the abilities of the team members.

Understand the Rules of the Room

At the beginning of an escape room experience, you will typically be provided with a set of rules. It’s important not to ignore these rules, as they are often crucial for your safety and can actually increase your chances of success. Although rules may seem tedious, paying attention during these few minutes of instructions can give you an advantage.

Look Around

At the start of an escape room, it is important to take your time and thoroughly examine the room. Look closely at all the props and decorations and try to think about what they might mean or how they could be used. Keep in mind that every detail could be a clue, so be sure to open anything that can be opened and investigate everything carefully. If you get stuck, try approaching the room from a different angle or brainstorming with your team to come up with new ideas. Remember, the more time you spend exploring and investigating, the greater chance you have of uncovering the hidden clues and puzzles that will help you progress toward escaping the room.

Keep an Eye on the Clock

For easy escape games for beginners, it’s crucial to keep track of time since an hour goes by quickly. You don’t want to run out of time and miss out on solving the puzzles. Escape rooms are designed to be completed within an hour, so if you haven’t made progress in five minutes, consider asking for hints.

See Something, Say Something

Communicating effectively with your team and sharing clues are crucial to success in an escape room. Time management is also important, so it is helpful to assign tasks and work efficiently together. Additionally, it is important to stay focused and not get too caught up on one particular puzzle. By keeping an open mind and working together, you can successfully unlock the hidden clues and puzzles that will help you progress toward escaping the room.

Think Outside the Box

When someone suggests an idea that seems illogical, it’s important to keep an open mind and consider giving them the opportunity to implement it. After all, sometimes the craziest ideas can lead to the best results. However, it’s important to balance this with caution and ensure that the idea doesn’t cause any harm or damage to the room or environment. By being open to new ideas and approaches, we can foster an environment of growth and innovation that benefits everyone involved.

Don’t Take Over the Room

While it’s important to have strong leadership in an escape room, it’s equally important to avoid having one person take over the game. This can hinder the fun for everyone and even slow down the team’s progress. Remember that everyone’s contributions are valuable and necessary for success.

Remember Your Strong Sides

If you excel at math, you could choose to solve an equation and let your articulate friend tackle a linguistics puzzle. If you’re stuck, move on to a different challenge and give your teammate a chance to solve the problem. Our brains work differently, and it’s always possible to shine when given the opportunity.

Just Have Fun

While escaping the room is the ultimate goal, it’s not the only thing that matters. What’s most important is having fun with your friends and family. You’ll enjoy spending time observing how your teammates react to different situations, hearing their creative ideas, and seeing their smiles when a lock opens. Escape rooms truly offer an unforgettable experience.


Escape rooms can be an exciting and challenging experience for beginners. By following the tips outlined above, you can increase your chances of success and have a great time with your team. Remember to communicate effectively, work together, and think outside the box. And most importantly, have fun! Whether you escape the room or not, the experience will be one to remember.

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