Green Household Tips
1. Recycling
To ensure that harmful toxins don’t leak into our environment, you should always recycle your old appliances. You may be surprised to learn that other things can also benefit from recycling, such as food cans and plastic bottles.
You shouldn’t forget about the possible benefits of recycling electronics by either repairing or replacing them with newer models as opposed to simply throwing them away in landfills. If disposed of at landfills, they can cause environmental damage as well as damage to health since they contain dangerous materials that can leak into the ground from landfill operations.
A great way to recycle organic matter is starting your own compost by adding weeds, eggshells, vegetable peelings, tea bags, coffee grounds, and dead flowers. Recycling as much as possible will help you live a greener life.
2. Energy Efficiency
Green lighting is the way of the future, and it isn’t just for your business or home! If you want to save on energy costs while being environmentally conscious too, you should consider replacing old bulbs with newer, more efficient models.
Did you know that you can reduce up to 8 percent off your electricity bills by just turning down the thermostat setting? Don’t forget how cool this feels on those hot summer days either!
Ways to Boost Your Energy Efficiency at Home:
– Seal your doors, windows, and other openings or entries. Sealing your doors and windows will help you save money on your energy bill by keeping the cool air in during the hot summer months and the warm air in during the cold winter months.
– Get a Home Energy Audit: A home energy audit refers to an assessment of the energy efficiency of your home. The energy auditor will come to your home and assess how properly your home is insulated, how efficient your appliances are, and what type of windows you have.
– Use a Space Heater: If you want to heat just a small section of your home, you should consider using a space heater as opposed to running the furnace.
– Use Energy-Efficient Appliances: If appliances you currently have aren’t particularly energy efficient, you should consider upgrading to newer models that are more energy-efficient. This should include your boiler, keep it running efficiently at all times and avoid expensive repairs with Corgi Home Plan.
– Take Showers Instead of Baths: Showers generally take less water than baths, which means that you can save money on your water bill by taking showers rather than baths.
– Plant Trees: Planting trees around your property helps shade it and keep it cool during summer and warm during winter.
– Use Cold Water to Wash Your Clothes: Washing your clothes in cold water will help you save money on your energy bills because you will not need to use as much hot water.
– Use a Drying Rack or Clothesline: Try drying your clothes outdoors on a drying rack or clothesline instead of using the dryer. This will not only save you energy but also give your clothes a fresh smell.
Improving the energy-efficiency of your home can be both easy and affordable and will help you save money on utility bills while you play your role in protecting the environment.
3. Buy Local
One of the best ways to make sure that you are eating fresh, healthy food is purchasing your groceries from a local farmers’ market.
The fruits and vegetables sold there are grown locally, which means that there isn’t any need for gas-guzzling trucks that produce harmful carbon emissions. All you have to do is get it delivered.
You will also be supporting smaller businesses in town, which means that they will in turn have more money flowing through them, thus giving a community an economic boost. Not just this, but organic products are much safer than much of the produce found at grocery stores that may contain pesticide residue from the production process.
4. Avoid Using Your Car
Owning a car is not always the best option. Not only do you have to spend money on gas and vehicle maintenance, but car shares actually facilitate more eco-friendly transportation.
You can join a car-sharing club at your place of work where all the cars needed to get around town during weekdays are provided. That way, there are no unnecessary trips using up resources. Furthermore, it is much cheaper overall since you don’t have 2 different sets of cars during workdays.
Instead of driving to work, you can even take up cycling. Many U.S. states offer bicycle rental schemes aimed at encouraging people to be healthier and lower their carbon footprint. Opting for this form of transport protects the environment as well as our health.