5 Beauty Tips for People with Sensitive Skin
Have you ever looked at a celebrity’s flawless skin and wondered why yours doesn’t ever look that good? It might be because it reddens or dries out easily, or that breakouts happen at the most random times. If you’ve experienced any of the aforementioned issues, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. A 2019 study from Procter & Gamble found that up to 60% of the world’s men and 70% of the world’s women have sensitive skin. But, as with everything, there are always multiple solutions to a problem. These tips can help you live your life to the fullest while keeping your skin looking great in the process.
Less is more
Use as little products as possible. And make sure that the products you do use, only contain a few ingredients. The more you use, the more ingredients come in contact with your skin, increasing the risk of one product, or a combination of them, causing irritation. At the same time, don’t wash or exfoliate too often. Your skin is sensitive because it has a difficult time retaining moisture, so if you do the above it only aggravates your symptoms. Instead, try to wash once or twice a day with mild soap. The health guides on SymptomFind have lots of research-backed beauty hacks you can try, including choosing the right soap for sensitive skin. For example, did you know that bar soaps are much more friendlier on the skin than body wash? You shouldn’t for more than 10 minutes either, and you should always use warm — not hot — water.
Moisturize like your life depends on it
If there’s one product you shouldn’t forget to apply, it’s moisturizer. This will help replenish all the moisture your skin lacks. Come up with a schedule for moisturizing, such as when you wake up and before you go to bed, and stick to it religiously.
Ingredient lists and patch tests are your best friend
However, this doesn’t mean you can’t try out the products you want. You just have to be meticulous about it. The best products have less than 10 ingredients and don’t have fragrances, preservatives — especially parabens — or dyes. And don’t take the label “hypoallergenic” at face value. Such products aren’t strictly regulated by the FDA, so you can’t guarantee that they’re actually suitable for sensitive skin.
Next, conduct a patch test by applying some product on a small portion of clean skin. If you develop an adverse reaction then you shouldn’t use it moving forward.
Know when and how to eliminate a trigger
By incorporating new products into your routine one at a time, this will help your skin adapt gradually. It will also be easier to pick out which ones are irritating your skin. Once an adverse reaction occurs, cut out the products you’re using one by one over the course of a week until you can determine the source of the problem. If you’re struggling to find out what the issues is, then you can always consult a dermatologist.
Stay up-to-date on the latest products
One thing you need to remember is that new skincare and makeup products are coming out all the time, so don’t feel you need to stick to just one. Instead, stay up to date with the latest releases as they hit the consumer market. Subscribing to various lifestyle-related blogs and other online publications is a great way to start. Just like how you found this article, you’ll find even more useful articles on The Garnette Report that will provide you very interesting content. By keeping up with the latest in beauty trends, you can find the next best product for you — one that you might find is perfect for your skin and lifestyle. Having sensitive skin shouldn’t stop you from trying out what you want. You just need to understand how to find solutions to any challenges you might face.