Fly by Knight
Jamilah Knight, grew up in Kansas City, KS. When she was in middle school some of the other kids began to tease her about my dark complexion. It began to negatively alter how she perceived herself and the world around her.
Via her artwork, she began to regain her confidence. Over time, she began to learn that nothing anyone else said could define her and over time she grew to love who she was as an individual. Out of this experience grew a passion to help other young women and girls to see the beauty in themselves. Not just beauty in a physical sense, but the beauty inside. Jamilah wanted them to know that their dreams are valid and that they deserve to to see them come to fruition.
” “Fly by Knight” is a T-shirt and accessory brand inspired by Jamilah Knight’s artwork. F.L.Y. is an acronym for “First Love Yourself” and Knight is the last name of the brand creator. Products include apparel such as T-shirts and sweatshirts but also lifestyle products like mugs, totes and phone cases. In 2015, I began showcasing my artwork on social media and received a lot of positive feedback. Inspired by that response, I decided to create products centered around my artwork to fill a void of unique, stylish, current and empowering apparel for women. After a successful launch event at a New York gallery in September 2016, I left my job that following May to pursue building the “Fly by Knight” brand full time. In the future, I see “Fly by Knight” as a lifestyle brand selling everything from T-shirts and art prints to luggage and pillows. I am most happy when I see young women in our shirts feeling confident, beautiful and proud. I also love being able to share my story with so many people in person while selling at markets. I believe it inspires them to go out on a limb and follow their dreams as well. The sky is the limit!” – Jamilah Knight