‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Is Coming Back in an All New Rebooted (and Rebranded) Series

‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Is Coming Back in an All New Rebooted (and Rebranded) Series

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air is coming back in an all new rebooted and rebranded series called Bel-Air.

Rather than being the lighthearted comedy we all know and love, Bel-Air will be taking a different approach to Will’s story–Bel-Air will be a darker drama compared to the 90s sitcom with Will Smith. Jerry Madison, Jr. will star in the new show as Will.

Will Smith will be an executive producer on the show along with Morgan Cooper. Andy and Susan Borowitz, the original creators of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, will also be executive producers for the show, along with Quincy Jones and Benny Medina.

Cooper created a fan-made trailer of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air with a more serious tone on Youtube that went viral last year, and now his idea will be translated to screen.

According to BBC, Smith praised Cooper’s trailer and said it was “a brilliant idea, the dramatic version of The Fresh Prince for the next generation.”

Westbrook Studios will make the show with Universal TV, according to BBC, and streaming platforms such as Netflix, HBO Max and Peacock are already bidding on Bel-Air.

This dramatic and realistic version of The Fresh Prince may just be what the next generation needs. Thinking of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air representing the times we live in now is exciting, and this could be entertaining as well as educational. There are many areas the show could explore and there’s no doubt this show could dive into a lot.

Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/entertainment-arts-53743456

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