5 Foods To Improve Gut Health

5 Foods To Improve Gut Health

Photo via getthegloss.com

5 Foods To Improve Gut Health

Gut wellness is all the latest craze. A messed-up gut can lead to long-term illnesses and disorders that affect the entire body. The greatest approach to look after your gut is to feed it nutritious foods. Eating more fiber-rich, probiotic-rich, and prebiotic-rich meals has proved to promote gut health. A functional gut microbiome is necessary not just for appropriate digestion of food as well as for absorption of nutrients. It also has an impact on how fat is stored and blood glucose levels. A fiber-rich diet can aid in the development of a diversified and strong microbiome. Check out this list of foods that can aid you on your way to better gut health!

1. Berries

Photo via healthline.com

Berries are a fiber filled food that would support gut health all around. It’s easy to include berries into your diet. Making a quick smoothie or just having a bowl full of the fruit aid to a healthy gut!

2. Oatmeal 

Photo via health.com

Oatmeal is high in fiber and other elements including omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in whole grains. When it comes to whole grain, oats are one of the healthiest options available. These are natively gluten-free as well as being rich in minerals and vitamins!

3. Yogurt

Photo via health.com

Yogurt contains a lot of probiotics that are good for you. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that your body requires for optimum functioning. The food helps your body absorb nutrients in food and boosts your immune system!

4. Miso

Photo via cookist.com

Miso is extremely rich in protein, fiber, and probiotics! Overall, this is a great food to add to your diet if you’re looking to improve your gut health! 

5. Kimchi 

Photo via maangchi.com

Kimchi, which is high in probiotics, could be a healthy addition to your diet. It’s one of many fermented foods that’s high in dietary fiber, which helps keep things running in your gut.

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